From 9-5 to Starting your Business

dr. liia and corporate world

It has been now 2 years since I started my skincare business and exactly 1 year since I fully left my corporate job. I will not lie: it has been extremely difficult. So difficult that I decided that I need to start writing about this and bring you along on my journey. English is my second/third (?) language so, by no means I am a writer. Who am I? I am just a human being trying to find her way in the world and do good.

When I worked in the corporate world, I travelled a lot for my job, I travelled to Japan, Europe, UK and the Middle East. It was fun, actually. Sitting in business class, enjoying some delicious food, drinking champagne and exclusive wine, watching movies and seeing amazing cities…

Well, you would think. By the time you get on a plane at 7pm and everyone is gabbing away while you are try to swallow the sandwich you brought from home (because the food won’t come till 8.30pm). And put your ear-pods in and an eye cover … and maybe even sneak in an anti-nausea pill (with a known side effect: sleepiness), it is time to wake up. The wind was in our favor and instead of 7 hours 30 minutes, we made it within 6 hours and 50 min! Who-hoo, it is 2am in Chicago and 9am in Zurich, Switzerland and after 4 hours interrupted sleep, I can drag my tired ass to the office and be 100% engaged.

Yes, this is a perk of the business travel. It is never what it seems from the outside. It is always rushed, hurried, with the tired feet, body and mind.

And yet, it is so much fun because you are privileged to meet all those amazing people all over the people, see different habits and cultures and acquire new friends along this journey….

Anyhow, I did quite this 1 year go to start working 80 hours per day with no sleep, with the days go by when I would not see any person or talk to anyone, all for a promise of a future one can dream off…

And, I have never ever regretted it till this day!

Stay tuned for more.

Dr. Liia